/*! Modaal - accessible modals - v0.3.1 by Humaan, for all humans. http://humaan.com */ /** Modaal jQuery Plugin : Accessible Modals ==== General Options === type (string) : ajax, inline, image, iframe, confirm. Defaults to 'inline' animation (string) : Fade, expand, down, up. Defaults to 'fade' after_callback_delay (integer) : Specify a delay value for the after open callbacks. This is necessary because with the bundled animations have a set duration in the bundled CSS. Specify a delay of the same amount as the animation duration in so more accurately fire the after open/close callbacks. Defaults 350, does not apply if animation is 'none', after open callbacks are dispatched immediately is_locked (boolean) : Set this to true to disable closing the modal via keypress or clicking the background. Beware that if type != 'confirm' there will be no interface to dismiss the modal if is_locked = true, you'd have to programmatically arrange to dismiss the modal. Confirm modals are always locked regardless of this option Defaults to false hide_close (boolean) : Set this to true to hide the close modal button. Key press and overlay click will still close the modal. This method is best used when you want to put a custom close button inside the modal container space. background (string) : Background overlay style. Defaults to '#000' overlay_opacity (float) : Background overlay transparency. Defaults to 0.8 overlay_close (boolean) : Set this to false if you want to disable click to close on overlay background. accessible_title (string) : Accessible title. Default 'Dialog Window' start_open (boolean) : Set this to true to launch the Modaal window immediately on page open fullscreen (boolean) : Set this to true to make the modaal fill the entire screen, false will default to own width/height attributes. custom_class (string) : Fill in this string with a custom class that will be applied to the outer most modal wrapper. width (integer) : Desired width of the modal. Required for iframe type. Defaults to undefined //TODO height (integer) : Desired height of the modal. Required for iframe type. Defaults to undefined //TODO background_scroll (boolean) : Set this to true to enable the page to scroll behind the open modal. should_open (boolean|function) : Boolean or closure that returns a boolean to determine whether to open the modal or not. close_text : String for close button text. Available for localisation and alternative languages to be used. close_aria_label : String for close button aria-label attribute (value that screen readers will read out). Available for localisation and alternative languages to be used. === Events === before_open (function) : Callback function executed before modal is opened after_open (function) : Callback function executed after modal is opened before_close (function) : Callback function executed before modal is closed after_close (function) : Callback function executed after modal is closed source (function(element, src)) : Callback function executed on the default source, it is intended to transform the source (href in an AJAX modal or iframe). The function passes in the triggering element as well as the default source depending of the modal type. The default output of the function is an untransformed default source. === Confirm Options & Events === confirm_button_text (string) : Text on the confirm button. Defaults to 'Confirm' confirm_cancel_button_text (string) : Text on the confirm modal cancel button. Defaults to 'Cancel' confirm_title (string) : Title for confirm modal. Default 'Confirm Title' confirm_content (string) : HTML content for confirm message confirm_callback (function) : Callback function for when the confirm button is pressed as opposed to cancel confirm_cancel_callback (function) : Callback function for when the cancel button is pressed === Gallery Options & Events === gallery_active_class (string) : Active class applied to the currently active image or image slide in a gallery 'gallery_active_item' before_image_change (function) : Callback function executed before the image slide changes in a gallery modal. Default function( current_item, incoming_item ) after_image_change (function) : Callback function executed after the image slide changes in a gallery modal. Default function ( current_item ) === AJAX Options & Events === loading_content (string) : HTML content for loading message. Default 'Loading …' loading_class (string) : Class name to be applied while content is loaded via AJAX. Default 'is_loading' ajax_error_class (string) : Class name to be applied when content has failed to load. Default is 'modaal-error' ajax_success (function) : Callback for when AJAX content is loaded in === SOCIAL CONTENT === instagram_id (string) : Unique photo ID for an Instagram photo. */ ( function( $ ) { var modaal_loading_spinner = '
' var Modaal = { init : function(options, elem) { var self = this; self.dom = $('body'); self.$elem = $(elem); self.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.modaal.options, self.$elem.data(), options); self.xhr = null; // set up the scope self.scope = { is_open: false, id: 'modaal_' + ( new Date().getTime() ) + ( Math.random().toString(16).substring(2) ) }; // add scope attribute to trigger element self.$elem.attr('data-modaal-scope', self.scope.id); // private options self.private_options = { active_class: 'is_active' }; self.lastFocus = null; // if is_locked if ( self.options.is_locked || self.options.type == 'confirm' || self.options.hide_close ) { self.scope.close_btn = ''; } else { self.scope.close_btn = ''; } // reset animation_speed if (self.options.animation === 'none' ){ self.options.animation_speed = 0; self.options.after_callback_delay = 0; } // On click to open modal $(elem).on('click.Modaal', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var source; // Save last active state before modal self.lastFocus = document.activeElement; if ( self.options.should_open === false || ( typeof self.options.should_open === 'function' && self.options.should_open() === false ) ) { return; } // CB: before_open self.options.before_open.call(self, e); switch (self.options.type) { case 'inline': self.create_basic(); break; case 'ajax': source = self.options.source( self.$elem, self.$elem.attr('href') ); self.fetch_ajax( source ); break; case 'confirm': self.options.is_locked = true; self.create_confirm(); break; case 'image': self.create_image(); break; case 'iframe': source = self.options.source( self.$elem, self.$elem.attr('href') ); self.create_iframe( source ); break; case 'video': self.create_video(self.$elem.attr('href')); break; case 'instagram': self.create_instagram(); break; } // call events to be watched (click, tab, keyup, keydown etc.) self.watch_events(); }); // Check for start_open if (self.options.start_open === true ){ $(elem).click(); } }, // Watching Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- watch_events : function() { var self = this; self.dom.off('click.Modaal keyup.Modaal keydown.Modaal'); // Body keydown self.dom.on('keydown.Modaal', function(e) { var key = e.keyCode; var target = e.target; // look for tab change and reset focus to modal window // done in keydown so the check fires repeatedly when you hold the tab key down if (key == 9 && self.scope.is_open) { if (!$.contains(document.getElementById(self.scope.id), target) ) { $('#' + self.scope.id).find('*[tabindex="0"]').focus(); } } }); // Body keyup self.dom.on('keyup.Modaal', function(e) { var key = e.keyCode; var target = e.target; if ( (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 9) && self.scope.is_open) { // Watch for shift + tab key press. if open shift focus to close button. if (!$.contains(document.getElementById(self.scope.id), target) ) { $('#' + self.scope.id).find('.modaal-close').focus(); } } if ( !self.options.is_locked ){ // On escape key press close modal if (key == 27 && self.scope.is_open ) { if ( $(document.activeElement).is('input:not(:checkbox):not(:radio)') ) { return false; } self.modaal_close(); return; } } // is gallery open and images length is > 1 if ( self.options.type == 'image' ) { // arrow left for back if (key == 37 && self.scope.is_open && (!$('#' + self.scope.id + ' .modaal-gallery-prev').hasClass('is_hidden')) ) { self.gallery_update('prev'); } // arrow right for next if (key == 39 && self.scope.is_open && (!$('#' + self.scope.id + ' .modaal-gallery-next').hasClass('is_hidden')) ) { self.gallery_update('next'); } return; } }); // Body click self.dom.on('click.Modaal', function(e) { var trigger = $(e.target); // General Controls: If it's not locked allow greedy close if ( !self.options.is_locked ){ if ( (self.options.overlay_close && trigger.is('.modaal-inner-wrapper')) || trigger.is('.modaal-close') || trigger.closest('.modaal-close').length ) { self.modaal_close(); return; } } //Confirm Controls if ( trigger.is('.modaal-confirm-btn' ) ){ // if 'OK' button is clicked, run confirm_callback() if ( trigger.is('.modaal-ok') ) { self.options.confirm_callback.call(self, self.lastFocus); } if ( trigger.is('.modaal-cancel') ) { self.options.confirm_cancel_callback.call(self, self.lastFocus); } self.modaal_close(); return; } // Gallery Controls if ( trigger.is( '.modaal-gallery-control' ) ){ // it not active, don't do nuthin! if ( trigger.hasClass('is_hidden') ) { return; } // trigger previous if ( trigger.is('.modaal-gallery-prev') ) { self.gallery_update('prev'); } // trigger next if ( trigger.is('.modaal-gallery-next') ) { self.gallery_update('next'); } return; } }); }, // Append markup into DOM build_modal : function(content) { var self = this; // if is instagram var igClass = ''; if ( self.options.type == 'instagram' ) { igClass = ' modaal-instagram'; } var wrap_class = (self.options.type == 'video') ? 'modaal-video-wrap' : 'modaal-content'; /* modaal-start_none : fully hidden via display:none; modaal-start_fade : hidden via opacity:0 modaal-start_slidedown : ... */ var animation_class; switch ( self.options.animation ) { case 'fade' : animation_class = ' modaal-start_fade'; break; case 'slide-down' : animation_class = ' modaal-start_slidedown'; break; default : animation_class = ' modaal-start_none' } // fullscreen check var fullscreen_class = ''; if ( self.options.fullscreen ) { fullscreen_class = ' modaal-fullscreen'; } // custom class check if ( self.options.custom_class !== '' || typeof(self.options.custom_class) !== 'undefined' ) { self.options.custom_class = ' ' + self.options.custom_class; } // if width and heights exists and is typeof number var dimensionsStyle = ''; if ( self.options.width && self.options.height && typeof self.options.width == 'number' && typeof self.options.height == 'number' ) { // if width and height exist, and they are both numbers dimensionsStyle = ' style="max-width:' + self.options.width + 'px;height:' + self.options.height + 'px;overflow:auto;"'; } else if ( self.options.width && typeof self.options.width == 'number' ) { // if only width dimensionsStyle = ' style="max-width:' + self.options.width + 'px;"'; } else if ( self.options.height && typeof self.options.height == 'number' ) { // if only height dimensionsStyle = ' style="height:' + self.options.height + 'px;overflow:auto;"'; } // Reset dimensions style (width and height) for certain types if ( self.options.type == 'image' || self.options.type == 'video' || self.options.type == 'instagram' || self.options.fullscreen ) { dimensionsStyle = ''; } //var build_markup = '
'; var build_markup = '
'; // hide if video if (self.options.type != 'video') { build_markup += '
'; } // add the guts of the content build_markup += '' + self.scope.close_btn; // hide if video if (self.options.type != 'video') { build_markup += '
'; } // close off modaal-wrapper build_markup += '
'; // append ajax modal markup to dom self.dom.append(build_markup); // if inline, clone content into space if (self.options.type == 'inline') { content.appendTo('#' + self.scope.id + ' .modaal-content-container'); } // Trigger overlay show (which triggers modal show) self.modaal_overlay('show'); }, // Create Basic Inline Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- create_basic : function() { var self = this; // if $elem is a link, then href points to the target, otherwise assume target was passed in initially var target = (self.$elem.is('[href]')) ? $(self.$elem.attr('href')) : self.$elem; var content = ''; if (target.length) { content = target.contents().clone(true,true); target.empty(); } else { content = 'Content could not be loaded. Please check the source and try again.'; } // now push content into markup self.build_modal(content); }, // Create Instagram Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- create_instagram : function() { var self = this; var id = self.options.instagram_id; var content = ''; var error_msg = 'Instagram photo couldn\'t be loaded, please check the embed code and try again.'; self.build_modal('
' + self.options.loading_content + '
' ); // ID exists, is not empty null or undefined. if ( id != '' && id !== null && id !== undefined ) { // set up oembed url var ig_url = 'https://api.instagram.com/oembed?url=http://instagr.am/p/' + id + '/'; $.ajax({ url: ig_url, dataType: "jsonp", cache: false, success: function (data) { // set up the new content content = data.html; // now set location for new content var target = $('#' + self.scope.id + ' .modaal-content-container'); if ( target.length > 0) { // add HTML into target region target.removeClass( self.options.loading_class ); target.html(content); // now trigger an instagram refresh window.instgrm.Embeds.process(); } }, error: function() { content = error_msg; // now set location for new content var target = $('#' + self.scope.id + ' .modaal-content-container'); if ( target.length > 0) { target.removeClass( self.options.loading_class ).addClass( self.options.ajax_error_class ); target.html(content); } } }); } else { content = error_msg; } return false; }, // Fetch Ajax Data // ---------------------------------------------------------------- fetch_ajax : function(url) { var self = this; var content = ''; // If no accessible title, set it to 'Dialog Window' if ( self.options.accessible_title == null ) { self.options.accessible_title = 'Dialog Window' } if ( self.xhr !== null ){ self.xhr.abort(); self.xhr = null; } self.build_modal('
' + self.options.loading_content + '
' ); self.xhr = $.ajax(url, { success: function(data) { // content fetch is successful so push it into markup var target = $('#' + self.scope.id).find('.modaal-content-container'); if ( target.length > 0){ target.removeClass( self.options.loading_class ); target.html( data ); self.options.ajax_success.call(self, target); } }, error: function( xhr ) { // There were some errors so return an error message if ( xhr.statusText == 'abort' ){ return; } var target = $('#' + self.scope.id + ' .modaal-content-container'); if ( target.length > 0){ target.removeClass( self.options.loading_class ).addClass( self.options.ajax_error_class ); target.html( 'Content could not be loaded. Please check the source and try again.' ); } } }); }, // Create Confirm Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- create_confirm : function() { var self = this; var content; content = '
' + '

' + self.options.confirm_title + '

' + '
' + self.options.confirm_content + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
'; // now push content into markup self.build_modal(content); }, // Create Image/Gallery Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- create_image : function() { var self = this; var content; var modaal_image_markup = ''; var gallery_total; var prev_btn = ''; var next_btn = ''; // If has rel attribute if ( self.$elem.is('[rel]') ) { // find gallery rel var gallery_group = self.$elem.attr('rel'); var gallery_group_items = $('[rel="' + gallery_group + '"]'); // remove any previous active attribute to any in the group gallery_group_items.removeAttr('data-gallery-active', 'is_active'); // add active attribute to the item clicked self.$elem.attr('data-gallery-active', 'is_active'); // how many in the rel grouping are there (-1 to connect with each function starting with 0) gallery_total = gallery_group_items.length - 1; // prepare array for gallery data var gallery = []; // start preparing markup modaal_image_markup = '' + prev_btn + next_btn; } else { // This is only a single gallery item so let's grab the necessary values // Setup selected image var this_img_src = self.$elem.attr('href'); var this_img_alt_txt = ''; var this_img_alt = ''; var aria_label = ''; if ( self.$elem.attr('data-modaal-desc') ) { aria_label = self.$elem.attr('data-modaal-desc'); this_img_alt_txt = self.$elem.attr('data-modaal-desc'); this_img_alt = ''; } else { aria_label = "Image with no description"; } // build up the html modaal_image_markup = ''; } // Update content variable content = modaal_image_markup; // now push content into markup self.build_modal(content); // setup next & prev buttons if ( $('.modaal-gallery-item.is_active').is('.gallery-item-0') ) { $('.modaal-gallery-prev').hide(); } if ( $('.modaal-gallery-item.is_active').is('.gallery-item-' + gallery_total) ) { $('.modaal-gallery-next').hide(); } }, // Gallery Change Image // ---------------------------------------------------------------- gallery_update : function(direction) { var self = this; var this_gallery = $('#' + self.scope.id); var this_gallery_item = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item'); var this_gallery_total = this_gallery_item.length - 1; // if single item, don't proceed if ( this_gallery_total == 0 ) { return false; } var prev_btn = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-prev'), next_btn = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-next'); var duration = 250; var new_img_w = 0, new_img_h = 0; // CB: Before image change var current_item = this_gallery.find( '.modaal-gallery-item.' + self.private_options.active_class ), incoming_item = ( direction == 'next' ? current_item.next( '.modaal-gallery-item' ) : current_item.prev( '.modaal-gallery-item' ) ); self.options.before_image_change.call(self, current_item, incoming_item); // stop change if at start of end if ( direction == 'prev' && this_gallery.find('.gallery-item-0').hasClass('is_active') ) { return false; } else if ( direction == 'next' && this_gallery.find('.gallery-item-' + this_gallery_total).hasClass('is_active') ) { return false; } // lock dimensions current_item.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, duration, function(){ // Move to appropriate image incoming_item.addClass('is_next').css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'display': 'block', 'opacity': 0 }); // Collect doc width var doc_width = $(document).width(); var width_threshold = doc_width > 1140 ? 280 : 50; // start toggle to 'is_next' new_img_w = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.is_next').width(); new_img_h = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.is_next').height(); var new_natural_w = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.is_next img').prop('naturalWidth'); var new_natural_h = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.is_next img').prop('naturalHeight'); // if new image is wider than doc width if ( new_natural_w > (doc_width - width_threshold) ) { // set new width just below doc width new_img_w = doc_width - width_threshold; // Set temp widths so we can calulate the correct height; this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.is_next').css({ 'width': new_img_w }); this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.is_next img').css({ 'width': new_img_w }); // Set new height variable new_img_h = this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.is_next').find('img').height(); } else { // new img is not wider than screen, so let's set the new dimensions new_img_w = new_natural_w; new_img_h = new_natural_h; } // resize gallery region this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item-wrap').stop().animate({ 'width': new_img_w, 'height': new_img_h }, duration, function() { // hide old active image current_item.removeClass(self.private_options.active_class + ' ' + self.options.gallery_active_class).removeAttr('style'); current_item.find('img').removeAttr('style'); // show new image incoming_item.addClass(self.private_options.active_class + ' ' + self.options.gallery_active_class).removeClass('is_next').css('position',''); // animate in new image (now has the normal is_active class incoming_item.stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, duration, function(){ $(this).removeAttr('style').css({ 'width': '100%' }); $(this).find('img').css('width', '100%'); // remove dimension lock this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item-wrap').removeAttr('style'); // CB: After image change self.options.after_image_change.call( self, incoming_item ); }); // Focus on the new gallery item this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item').removeAttr('tabindex'); this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.' + self.private_options.active_class + '').attr('tabindex', '0').focus(); // hide/show next/prev if ( this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.' + self.private_options.active_class).is('.gallery-item-0') ) { prev_btn.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 150, function(){ $(this).hide(); }); } else { prev_btn.stop().css({ 'display': 'block', 'opacity': prev_btn.css('opacity') }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 150); } if ( this_gallery.find('.modaal-gallery-item.' + self.private_options.active_class).is('.gallery-item-' + this_gallery_total) ) { next_btn.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 150, function(){ $(this).hide(); }); } else { next_btn.stop().css({ 'display': 'block', 'opacity': prev_btn.css('opacity') }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 150); } }); }); }, // Create Video Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- create_video : function(url) { var self = this; var content; // video markup content = ''; // now push content into markup self.build_modal('
' + content + '
'); }, // Create iFrame Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- create_iframe : function(url) { var self = this; var content; if ( self.options.width !== null || self.options.width !== undefined || self.options.height !== null || self.options.height !== undefined ) { // video markup content = ''; } else { content = '
Please specify a width and height for your iframe
'; } // now push content into markup self.build_modal(content); }, // Open Modaal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- modaal_open : function() { var self = this; var modal_wrapper = $( '#' + self.scope.id ); var animation_type = self.options.animation; if (animation_type === 'none' ){ modal_wrapper.removeClass('modaal-start_none'); self.options.after_open.call(self, modal_wrapper); } // Open with fade if (animation_type === 'fade') { modal_wrapper.removeClass('modaal-start_fade'); } // Open with slide down if (animation_type === 'slide-down') { modal_wrapper.removeClass('modaal-start_slide_down'); } var focusTarget = modal_wrapper; // Switch focusTarget tabindex (switch from other modal if exists) $('.modaal-wrapper *[tabindex=0]').removeAttr('tabindex'); if ( self.options.type == 'image' ) { focusTarget = $('#' + self.scope.id).find('.modaal-gallery-item.' + self.private_options.active_class); } else if ( modal_wrapper.find('.modaal-iframe-elem').length ) { focusTarget = modal_wrapper.find('.modaal-iframe-elem'); } else if ( modal_wrapper.find('.modaal-video-wrap').length ) { focusTarget = modal_wrapper.find('.modaal-video-wrap'); } else { focusTarget = modal_wrapper.find('.modaal-focus'); } // now set the focus focusTarget.attr('tabindex', '0').focus(); // Run after_open if (animation_type !== 'none') { // CB: after_open setTimeout(function() { self.options.after_open.call(self, modal_wrapper) }, self.options.after_callback_delay); } }, // Close Modal // ---------------------------------------------------------------- modaal_close : function() { var self = this; var modal_wrapper = $( '#' + self.scope.id ); // CB: before_close self.options.before_close.call(self, modal_wrapper); if (self.xhr !== null){ self.xhr.abort(); self.xhr = null; } // Now we close the modal if (self.options.animation === 'none' ){ modal_wrapper.addClass('modaal-start_none'); } // Close with fade if (self.options.animation === 'fade') { modal_wrapper.addClass('modaal-start_fade'); } // Close with slide up (using initial slide down) if (self.options.animation === 'slide-down') { modal_wrapper.addClass('modaal-start_slide_down'); } // CB: after_close and remove setTimeout(function() { // clone inline content back to origin place if (self.options.type == 'inline') { $('#' + self.scope.id + ' .modaal-content-container').contents().clone(true,true).appendTo( self.$elem.attr('href') ) } // remove markup from dom modal_wrapper.remove(); // CB: after_close self.options.after_close.call(self); // scope is now closed self.scope.is_open = false; }, self.options.after_callback_delay); // Call overlay hide self.modaal_overlay('hide'); // Roll back to last focus state before modal open. If was closed programmatically, this might not be set if (self.lastFocus != null) { self.lastFocus.focus(); } }, // Overlay control (accepts action for show or hide) // ---------------------------------------------------------------- modaal_overlay : function(action) { var self = this; if (action == 'show') { // Modal is open so update scope self.scope.is_open = true; // set body to overflow hidden if background_scroll is false if (! self.options.background_scroll) { self.dom.addClass('modaal-noscroll'); } // append modaal overlay self.dom.append('
'); // now show $('#' + self.scope.id + '_overlay').css('background', self.options.background).stop().animate({ opacity: self.options.overlay_opacity }, self.options.animation_speed, function(){ // now open the modal self.modaal_open(); }); } else if (action == 'hide') { // remove body overflow lock self.dom.removeClass('modaal-noscroll'); // now hide the overlay $('#' + self.scope.id + '_overlay').stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, self.options.animation_speed, function(){ // remove overlay from dom $(this).remove(); }); } } }; // Declare the modaal jQuery method // ------------------------------------------------------------ $.fn.modaal = function(options) { return this.each(function () { var existing_modaal = $(this).data('modaal'); if ( existing_modaal ){ // Checking for string value, used for methods if (typeof(options) == 'string'){ switch (options) { case 'close': existing_modaal.modaal_close(); break; } } } else { // Not a string, so let's setup the modal ready to use var modaal = Object.create(Modaal); modaal.init(options, this); $.data(this, "modaal", modaal); } }); }; // Default options // ------------------------------------------------------------ $.fn.modaal.options = { //General type : 'inline', animation : 'fade', animation_speed : 300, after_callback_delay : 350, is_locked : false, hide_close: false, background: '#000', overlay_opacity: '0.8', overlay_close: true, accessible_title: 'Dialog Window', start_open: false, fullscreen: false, custom_class: '', background_scroll: false, should_open: true, close_text: 'Close', close_aria_label: 'Close (Press escape to close)', width: null, height: null, //Events before_open : function(){}, after_open : function(){}, before_close : function(){}, after_close : function(){}, source : function( element, src ){ return src; }, //Confirm Modal confirm_button_text: 'Confirm', // text on confirm button confirm_cancel_button_text: 'Cancel', confirm_title: 'Confirm Title', // title for confirm modal confirm_content: '

This is the default confirm dialog content. Replace me through the options

', // html for confirm message confirm_callback: function() {}, confirm_cancel_callback: function() {}, //Gallery Modal gallery_active_class: 'gallery_active_item', before_image_change: function( current_item, incoming_item ) {}, after_image_change: function( current_item ) {}, //Ajax Modal loading_content : modaal_loading_spinner, loading_class : 'is_loading', ajax_error_class : 'modaal-error', ajax_success : function(){}, //Instagram instagram_id : null }; // On body load (or now, if already loaded), init any modaals defined inline // Ensure this is done after $.fn.modaal and default options are declared // ---------------------------------------------------------------- $(function(){ var single_modaal = $('.modaal'); if ( single_modaal.length ) { single_modaal.each(function() { var self = $(this); // new empty options var options = {}; var inline_options = false; // option: type if ( self.attr('data-modaal-type') ) { inline_options = true; options.type = self.attr('data-modaal-type'); } // option: animation if ( self.attr('data-modaal-animation') ) { inline_options = true; options.animation = self.attr('data-modaal-animation'); } // option: animation_speed if ( self.attr('data-modaal-animation-speed') ) { inline_options = true; options.animation_speed = self.attr('data-modaal-animation-speed'); } // option: after_callback_delay if ( self.attr('data-modaal-after-callback-delay') ) { inline_options = true; options.after_callback_delay = self.attr('data-modaal-after-callback-delay'); } // option: after_callback_delay if ( self.attr('data-modaal-is-locked') ) { inline_options = true; options.is_locked = (self.attr('data-modaal-is-locked') === 'true' ? true : false); } // option: hide_close if ( self.attr('data-modaal-hide-close') ) { inline_options = true; options.hide_close = (self.attr('data-modaal-hide-close') === 'true' ? true : false); } // option: background if ( self.attr('data-modaal-background') ) { inline_options = true; options.background = self.attr('data-modaal-background'); } // option: overlay_opacity if ( self.attr('data-modaal-overlay-opacity') ) { inline_options = true; options.overlay_opacity = self.attr('data-modaal-overlay-opacity'); } // option: overlay_close if ( self.attr('data-modaal-overlay-close') ) { inline_options = true; options.overlay_close = (self.attr('data-modaal-overlay-close') === 'false' ? false : true); } // option: accessible_title if ( self.attr('data-modaal-accessible-title') ) { inline_options = true; options.accessible_title = self.attr('data-modaal-accessible-title'); } // option: start_open if ( self.attr('data-modaal-start-open') ) { inline_options = true; options.start_open = (self.attr('data-modaal-start-open') === 'true' ? true : false); } // option: fullscreen if ( self.attr('data-modaal-fullscreen') ) { inline_options = true; options.fullscreen = (self.attr('data-modaal-fullscreen') === 'true' ? true : false); } // option: custom_class if ( self.attr('data-modaal-custom-class') ) { inline_options = true; options.custom_class = self.attr('data-modaal-custom-class'); } // option: close_text if ( self.attr('data-modaal-close-text') ) { inline_options = true; options.close_text = self.attr('data-modaal-close-text'); } // option: close_aria_label if ( self.attr('data-modaal-close-aria-label') ) { inline_options = true; options.close_aria_label = self.attr('data-modaal-close-aria-label'); } // option: background_scroll if ( self.attr('data-modaal-background-scroll') ) { inline_options = true; options.background_scroll = (self.attr('data-modaal-background-scroll') === 'true' ? true : false); } // option: width if ( self.attr('data-modaal-width') ) { inline_options = true; options.width = parseInt( self.attr('data-modaal-width') ); } // option: height if ( self.attr('data-modaal-height') ) { inline_options = true; options.height = parseInt( self.attr('data-modaal-height') ); } // option: confirm_button_text if ( self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-button-text') ) { inline_options = true; options.confirm_button_text = self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-button-text'); } // option: confirm_cancel_button_text if ( self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-cancel-button-text') ) { inline_options = true; options.confirm_cancel_button_text = self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-cancel-button-text'); } // option: confirm_title if ( self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-title') ) { inline_options = true; options.confirm_title = self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-title'); } // option: confirm_content if ( self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-content') ) { inline_options = true; options.confirm_content = self.attr('data-modaal-confirm-content'); } // option: gallery_active_class if ( self.attr('data-modaal-gallery-active-class') ) { inline_options = true; options.gallery_active_class = self.attr('data-modaal-gallery-active-class'); } // option: loading_content if ( self.attr('data-modaal-loading-content') ) { inline_options = true; options.loading_content = self.attr('data-modaal-loading-content'); } // option: loading_class if ( self.attr('data-modaal-loading-class') ) { inline_options = true; options.loading_class = self.attr('data-modaal-loading-class'); } // option: ajax_error_class if ( self.attr('data-modaal-ajax-error-class') ) { inline_options = true; options.ajax_error_class = self.attr('data-modaal-ajax-error-class'); } // option: start_open if ( self.attr('data-modaal-instagram-id') ) { inline_options = true; options.instagram_id = self.attr('data-modaal-instagram-id'); } // now set it up for the trigger, but only if inline_options is true if ( inline_options ) { self.modaal(options); } }); } }); } ( jQuery, window, document ) );