Setting a Retailer to have Website access from the Management Portal

Setting a Retailer to have Website access from the Management Portal

To enable customers access to the B2B Portal or Website, you need to allow the Contact on a Retailer to have access.

After logging into the Inzant Sales Management Portal you'll need to navigate to the Contact or Retailer in question.

Finding a Contact via the Contact Screen
The contact screen allows you to jump in and search for a specific contact person, and edit them directly (without having to find the Retailer and open it first). You can use sophisticated filtering options in this screen via the "More Filters" option, and filter the list of contacts by a range of Contact and Retailer options.

Once you've found the contact you'd like to enable website access for, click the "pencil" edit icon. Proceed to the section titled "Sending a Password Reset / Website Invite" below.

Finding a Contact via the Retailer Screen
This involves clicking the "Retailer" link in the Side Bar menu. This will opening the Retailer search page, which will display all the Retailers and allow you to either scroll down the list or search for the retailer by name or account number.
You can also use click the More Filters button to display the full set of filters available to assist you narrowing down the retailers you are looking for.

Once you've found the right one simply click the Edit icon (pencil) in the Actions column. This will open the Retailer Details screen.

Now you are on the Retailer Details screen, you will need to locate the Contact you wish to provide access for.
Click on the Contacts Tab to display the complete list of Contacts associated with that Retailer.

Once you have located the Contact you have two options;
  1. You can actually send the invite directly from this screen via selecting the contact and making sure the Email & Username are populated and the "Has website access" is enabled. The click the button saying "Send Website Invite" / "Send Password Reset" to trigger the email to be sent.
  2. Or you can open the Contact detail popup and perform this action from the details popup.

Sending a Password Reset / Website Invite
Now you are on the Contact Details popup, you can click on the Website Tab to display and edit the Website Access details.
  1. Email
    • This is a required field and must be filled in for the customer to have website access.
    • This must be a real email address - temporary passwords and other system emails will be sent to this email address.
  • Website Username
    • This is a required field and must be filled in for the customer to have website access.
    • Its usually best to either set this up as a standard unique field like account number or email in consultation with the customer, either of these methods should provide an account number the customer will remember.
  • Has Website Access
    • This determines if the customer is allowed to login to the website, it must be enabled to allow the customer to login.
    • Website access can be revoked at any time simply by opening this screen, disabling this field and saving the customer (without any other loss of data, and access can be restored at any time).
Depending on whether the customer has interacted with the site before the button will show as either "Send Website Invite" or "Send Password Reset". This will send the use a slightly different template, however both will contain the URL, username and password they need to jump in and start using the site.

Note that if you edited any of these details the button will instead appear as an option to "Send website invite / password reset when saving the retailer?". If this is the case its because some of the details have changed, so when you finish editing the Contact please save the Retailer and this will prompt the invite/reset email to be sent.

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