Creating a New Blog Article

Creating a New Blog Article

Note: To view any of the below walkthrough images in a larger size simply click on them - then click on the cross in the top right corner to close the image window.

Blog Article Categories

Before creating a new blog article, first make sure the Blog Article Category you'd like to use for this new article exists. To do this click on the "Article Categories" menu option. This will load the list of current article categories. if you need to add a new category, click the "Add" button in the top right corner of the table, type in the new category name and click Save.

Blog Articles

Article Content

Creating a new blog article for your site can be easily done by navigating to the "Articles" screen within the CMS, and clicking the "Add" button in the top right corner of the table. Each blog article contains the following sections that you should complete before Publishing your Article.
The article title is what gets displayed on the Blog List and Blog summary zones, as well as what gets indexed as the Page Title and Page URL. Inzant recommends keeping the Blog Article Title short (try and keep it to 50 characters or under if possible), however also try and ensure the title of the article adequately describes the content and theme of the article. Ideally the title would also contain a keyword or two that you are using across the site (however only if relevant to the article).

This is the URL component that search engines will index and the browser will display int he search bar. This is non-editable, and is automatically created from the article Title (spaces & other reserved characters will automatically be replaced with underscores).

This is a free text zone so you can type any name or title that you'd like, and it will get displayed on the blog article list screen. You may use your name, your job title, or even just "Admin".

Published Date
This is the date the article was first published (not just saved, but "Saved & Published"). This is not editable.

This is a dropdown list of all the available blog article categories. You cannot create new categories from the article details screen, so please make sure the category you want exists before starting the article. 

This image selector allows you to upload a PNG or JPG image to use as the articles main image. The image size should be 880px wide x 720px tall. Any variance to this will start to show distorted images in some responsive screen sizes. 
Image filenames should not contain spaces, when the article is shared on soclal media sites is the image contains spaces it will not display (and the article will lose a lot of its impact).

The Synopsis field is a shorter "summary" section of the article, and gets displayed on the blog article list and summary widgets. Whilst the field will technically support 500 characters, please try and limit this to around 150 characters.

The content section of the blog article is where the actual text, image, video or other content gets stored, and is the section the user actually reads. This zone is managed by a html editor called CK Editor, and supports plenty of rich text features like formatting font, size, lists, tables, indents, block quotes etc.

Some useful guides on advanced blog article content can be found here;

Is Featured
This checkbox allows you to determine which articles are "featured". Those that are featured will display more prominently in the Blog Summary widget (provided it is configured as such).

Completing your Article

When you are finished with the article, you can either "Save" or "Save & Publish". "Save" will simply save your progress on the article, but wont publish it. This is useful if you want to organise article content ahead of time without immediately publishing it.
Top Tip: When creating a new article you can see how it looks without publishing it by only clicking "Save". Then on the Article list screen, clicking on the "Live Preview" button. This will show you how the article will display. This is particularly useful if you are loading blog articles with advanced content (embedded images, videos, pdfs or complex formatting).

"Save & Publish" will both save and publish the article to the website. After publishing dont forget to jump on the site straight away to check it's looking like you want.

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