Creating a new website Page

Creating a new website Page

Note: To view any of the below walkthrough images in a larger size simply click on them - then click on the cross in the top right corner to close the image window.

Creating a new website Page for your site can be easily done by navigating to the Pages screen within the CMS, and clicking the "Add" button in the top right corner of the table.

You will now be prompted to enter a URL & Page title, and select a template.

This will be the page url component that is used to render this new page. Theres a couple of important things to note when creating the URL;
  • Always ensure the URL starts with a forward slash - it wont work otherwise.
  • Try to avoid spaces - use hyphens instead.
  • Try and keep the URL short and to the point (ie for a new "training" page, just use "/training" - don't write a sentence).
Page Title
This is the page title that the browser will index and render. You will want to again keep this pretty succinct, however you do have the capacity to use spaces and keywords here.

You can start with a blank template - of which there are 4 options (login, Right bar, Shop & Single column). These are useful if you want a fresh page without any existing content, JavaScript or CSS loaded. 99% of the time however you definately want to load a page with CSS and JavaScript - so all the standard widgets will work for you by default.
So normally instead of selecting a blank template, you should select to copy an existing page, Home or About are typically good options as they have basic content and are standard, single column pages. To do this click on the radio button next to the "/about" or "/home" page options.

Once you've filled out the options, click "Save" in the top right corner of the page.

You will now be dropped onto either a new blank template, or an exact copy of the page you copied. If you chose a blank template, ALL details of the page will be blank, so please step through the accordion selecting each option in turn and completing each zone.

If you chose to copy of a template then you wont have to create all new details from scratch. 

Page Section
Navigate your way through the "Page" accordion section, ensure the Page SEO information is correct. Unless you are creating custom design or custom elements on the page you and probably leave the CSS Files and JavaScript Files sections alone.

Header Section
Normally the header section from the page you copied from will suffice for this new page, so you can skip right onto editing the Content zone below. However if the header section for this page should be different from the one it was copied from, the please add/remove/modify widgets accordingly. You can do this by clicking on the "Header" accordion option. You can then Add or Remove widgets by clicking "Header Settings".
  • Removing widgets is zone by clicking the red cross icon in the far right section of each widget row.
  • Adding new widgets is done by selecting a new widget from the dropdown box, and clicking "Add WIdget". This will reload the page with the new widget at the bottom of this zone.
  • To Reorder the widget simply drag and drop it into the correct order.
  • To edit widgets click on the widget name in the accordion section (directly underneath "Header Settings" option). This will then display the configuration options for that widget (which will range from simple text entry zones to much more complex widgets with multiple image selectors and full html text entry zones).

Content Section
The content zone is the body section of the page (between the header and the footer) - and typically contains all the content on the page that is not generic across the site. This means that this zone is where you'll be making most of your edits to the content. You'll first want to identify what type of widgets you want on the page, and how many you need. To get started click on the "Content" option in the accordion.

You can Add and Remove widgets by clicking on the "Content Settings" option. This zone will function exactly the same as the "Header Settings" zone above, however will only contain widgets used in the Content (body) section of the page.
  • Removing widgets is zone by clicking the red cross icon in the far right section of each widget row. 
  • Adding new widgets is done by selecting a new widget from the dropdown box, and clicking "Add WIdget". This will reload the page with the new widget at the bottom of this zone. 
  • To Reorder the widget simply drag and drop it into the correct order.
  • To edit widgets click on the widget name in the accordion section (directly underneath "Header Settings" option). This will then display the configuration options for that widget (which will range from simple text entry zones to much more complex widgets with multiple image selectors and full html text entry zones).

Footer Section
Once you are happy with the number, order and contents of the widgets in the Contents section then you can proceed onto the Footer section. The footer has all the same options as the Header and Content section, with the ability to add, remove and manage widgets. The footer widget itself is commonly used in this zone, however you may want to add other additional widgets to this zone if you'd like them on this new page.

Leaving the widget blank will mean it inherit its configuration from the widget, which is normally desirable for generic, sidewide widgets like Footer, Title bar and Top Menu.

Publish the New Page
Once you are happy with the page you can now push it live by clicking the "SAVE AND PUBLISH" button in the top right corner of the page. This will immediately publish the page and drop you back onto the Page list screen. Now you will want to review how it looks, find the new page in the list and click on the "View Live" button in the Published column. This will open the page in a new tab - make sure you are happy with the contents of the page. 

If you want to make changes, click on the "Create Preview" page button, this will open the page again in an editable state - you can now go through and make any changes you would like before clicking "Save And Publish" again. You can follow these steps continually until you are happy with the page.

Widget Visibility Configuration: If you wish to make certain elements on the page not visible to Public users you can do this by option the widget/s in question and changing the "Visibility" setting to be off to the public checkbox. 

Adding the Page to your Menu
If this is a page you want to add to your Header or Footer menu, navigate to the "Menus" section of the CMS and select "Edit Menu" for the menu you want to add this page to.
On the Menu detail screen you have the option to Add a new menu item & edit/remove existing menu items. Click the Add button to add a new menu item, and enter the menu Title and URL for the page.
  • The title can be whatever you'd like it to be, however try and keep it short (ideally 1 word).
  • The URL is the url for the new page you just created (including the forward slash component - ie "/training")
Now use the up and down arrows to position this new menu link where you want it in the menu. Once this is done, click the Save button at the top of the screen, and check the site to make sure its looking how you intended.

Congratulations, your new page is now Live and visible via the menu!

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