Journal Notes for Retailers
Adding a Journal Note
This article covers how to create a Journal note on the iPad. Journal notes are the notes captured during an interaction with a Retailer.
Journal Notes are taken during an interaction with a customer, and are designed to capture information about the sales call - think of them as "Call Notes". This should contain information that is useful to capture that will assist with the sales process for future orders -i.e. capturing information about a customer, ie their dog died, their neighbor won lotto, their husband lost his job etc - information you can use to build rapport with a customer. You can then easily scan the last one or two sets of call notes before you walk into your next sales call with this customer in a months time and know exactly what happened last time.
These journal notes should not be used to store Order Note information for an order, like delivery instructions etc, that should be stored on an Order Note instead.
To create a Journal note;
- Open the retailer and Tap on the interaction icon.
- Tap on the blank Journal Note zone to bring up
the keyboard. Now type in the note you’d like to record.
- Tap “Complete and
Upload” when you are finished.
Accessing previous Journal Notes
- Touch the journal icon
This Area is where any notes recorded against the Retailer are visible. You have the option of filtering the notes by Call or Order type.
- Order Notes are notes
taken in the “Order Notes” section whilst doing an order, for the purpose of Selecting variations of the product,eg. specify pink handbag.
- "Call
Notes” are Journal notes taken whilst completing an interaction, in relation to the customer.
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