Management Portal - Standard Page Zones

Management Portal - Standard Page Zones

The Inzant Sales Admin interface utilises a standard set of controls to ensure a consistent and repeatable user experience. This helps us develop and maintain a system that is both easy to learn and quick to master. Some of the fairly common zones you’ll come across whilst using the application are:

Page Title & Breadcrumbs

The Page Title and Breadcrumbs are displayed on all pages in the application. They are designed to provide “at a glance” context as to location and path of the page currently being viewed. The Breadcrumbs have a dual purpose, as they also function as links, so you can easily return one or more levels back with a single click.

Action Buttons

These buttons will appear in the top right of the screen and may or may not appear on a page; they are totally contextual to the entity being viewed, in addition to their visibility often being contingent on the user having Write level role permission.
Action buttons typically represent one or two of the most important actions on a screen. Some common Action buttons would be “Add”, “Save”, “Deactivate”, “Reactivate”, “Close” and “Cancel”.

More Options Dropdown

When there are too many actions to perform on a screen to fit into the Action buttons, the More Options dropdown menu will appear and will contain the less critical functions. The dropdown is opened by hovering the mouse over it (in desktop mode) or tapping it (in mobile mode).
Some common options in the dropdown include Table Export options, Table Column display options, Refresh sSreen and Close Screen.

Search Screens

Most sections within Inzant require search and details screens due to the amount of information within each section. The Search screens in Inzant have a search section at the top of the page – which will typically include simple search and advanced search – and the results table underneath.

The simple search section allows the user to enter text and perform a search across the relevant entity. Typically the search will be fairly broad, searching across multiple fields (i.e. product name and code, or user name and email etc.).

On most search screens you will have the option of opening “More Filters” and doing anadvanced search. This will add additional filterable options on the page, which will perform a restrictive search on the basis of all parameters. This means the search results will meet all filter parameters.

Results Table

The results table will contain the results of the search parameters in the simple/advanced search. Depending on the entity being viewed, the columns may be editable in the “More Options” menu, in addition to containing export options. A record is opened to be viewed by clicking the Edit icon in the far right column.

Detail Screens

Detail screens in Inzant are arrived at via Search screens, and will contain all the details required to Add/Edit/Deactivate the entity being viewed. For entities with lots of information stored (like Users), the details screen will have several tabs with editable zones across each of the tabs.
Action buttons and More Options will be located in the top right section of the screen.

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