Retailer Grades enable you to classify your Retailers into distinct groups for many purposes, including but not limited to pricing rules, campaigns, tasks & reporting. This field offers a high degree of flexibility with these functions, but is also highly visible on the iPad so can be a valuable bit of information to start using in Inzant Sales.
Retailer Grade Search
You can reach the Retailer Grade search screen by clicking on the "Configuration" menu option in the sidebar menu, and then clicking on the "Retailer Grade" option under the "Lists" heading. If you cannot see this option, please confirm with your system administrator that your user role has sufficient permissions.
Once you have the Retailer Grade search screen open you can see all the available options in the tabular list. To search for a Retailer Grade, type the search term into the Search box and hit Enter.
If you'd like to review the inactive Retailer Grades, click the "More Filters" button. You'll then see a dropdown which will enable you to see "All grades", "Inactive grades" or "Active grades". You can also do a search whilst this filter is active. To close these options click "Less Filters".
Adding a Retailer Grade
To add a Retailer Grade, click on the "New Retailer Grade" button which is located in the top right of screen (provided you have sufficient permissions). This will open a blank Retailer Grade Details screen ready for you to enter the new Retailer Grade name.
Once the Retailer Grade Details screen is open, enter the new Name and click the save button in the top right of screen.
Editing or Deactivating a Retailer Grade
To edit a Retailer Grade click on the small edit icon in the far right column of the row. This will open the Retailer Grade Details screen.
The Retailer Grade details screen will only have the "Name" field. Provided you have sufficient permissions you can edit this name, and click save in the top right corner of the page.
If you'd like to deactivate a Retailer Grade , you can click on the "Deactivate" button - which will make the Retailer Grade inactive (and no longer usable throughout the system for retailers, tasks, campaigns, pricing rules etc.).