The StockCount Order mode allows for "Levels" to be setup for each and every customer, for all items they stock from you. You can then simply use this default "Level" to do quick and simple reordering in this order mode.
Important Note: Please be mindful that using this order mode for stock level ordering is optional. It can be used like any other order mode where typing in a "quantity" will simply add items to the order.
The Level field is designed to represent how much quantity the customer should typically have in stock at any one time. To assign a level to an item, simply tap the "Level" quantity, and type in the required amount.
Now the item is ready to use for stock level reordering. Please ensure the "Auto-Calculate" switch setting is enabled (located just above the category tree in the left sidebar). If it is off, then enable it before you start doing a stock count.
To enter a stock level, tap in the Stock # column and type in the amount of items the customer has in stock currently.
If the "Auto-Calculate" setting is on, and the Stock amount entered is below the Level, then the Ordered Qty column will automatically be set to order the difference;
Level - Stock = Order Qty
In the example screenshots, the choc chip cookie had a Level of 14 and Stock of 2. So you can see below that 12 have automatically been ordered.
If you need to amend the qty slightly, for instance the customer has already ordered some via phone or web, or would like to order extra, then you can always tap on the qty and modify the amount if needed.
Use the Categories and product search to refine the list of items you are looking at to speed up your stock counts. You can further speed up this process by using integrated barcode scanners to scan items, and provided they are in the list they will appear. If they arent in the list, then the item will be opened on the "Barcode Scanning" order mode instead.
If you'd like to work through the list methodically, and have items you've done a stock count for already removed from view, then you can turn on the "Show Uncounted Only" switch setting (located just above the category tree in the left sidebar). This setting will automatically hide items from view that you've either done a stock count for, order ordered directly using the quantity column.