The Task Details screen allows you to view and edit the configuration of a Task. It also provides a summary of all responses for the task.
Screen Layout
The layout of this screen is similar to other Detail screens within the system.
The main Action Buttons are location at the top right of the screen
- The Deactivate and Reactivate buttons allow you to change the active state of a Task.
- The Close button will close the screen and return you to the Task List Search screen
- The More Options button provides the ability to Clone the current Task.
- Save buttons will also present here when edits are made to the Task
The Header Zone of the Task provides and allows you to view and edit basic information about the Task.
- Name
- Task Type
- Description
- Sort Order
- Whether the Task is a required Task
- The published state
The main part of the screen is tabbed and can display the following information
- Task Items (Questions)
- Publishing Information
- Filter Information
- Results Summary
Items Tab (Questions)
The Items Tab provides a listing of the Questions that will need to be completed when a user completes a task. There are a number of different Question types that will be discussed below.
To Edit an existing Question
- Click the Edit button (pencil) in the Action column beside the Question
To change the order questions appear when completing a Task,
- Click the move up and move down buttons in the Action column
To Add a new Question
- Select the Question type form the Drop Down selector at the bottom of the list
- Click Add Item
Question Types
Free Text
The Free Text Question should be used when you wish the user to be able to type an answer into the question as they wish.
- There is a zone you can enter the Question the user will see as they complete this question
- The Question may be set to be required, this will force the user to complete this question before they can complete the whole Task.
- If you wish, you can provide a link to a Campaign that will allow the user to present as they complete this question.
- A button to Deactivate the question is provided.
- For deactivated Questions, an Activate button is provide in place of the Deactivate button
If any edits are made to the Question, an Update button will display.
- Click Update to save the changes
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
The Numeric Question should be used when you wish the user to be able to type a number as the answer.
- There is a zone you can enter the Question the user will see as they complete this question
- The Question may be set to be required, this will force the user to complete this question before they can complete the whole Task.
- If you wish, you can provide a link to a Campaign that will allow the user to present as they complete this question.
- A button to Deactivate the question is provided.
- For deactivated Questions, an Activate button is provide in place of the Deactivate button
If any edits are made to the Question, an Update button will display.
- Click Update to save the changes
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
Radio Button
The Radio Button Question can be used when you have three or fewer fixed responses. It provides a quick interface (up to three buttons) for a user to select from.
- There is a zone you can enter the Question the user will see as they complete this question
- The Response section allows you to add and modify the responses that will be displayed to the user.
- The Response text can be edited
- A response can be Deleted
- If you have less that three responses you can add a new response by typing the new text into the field beside the Add button and Clicking the Add button
- The Question may be set to be required, this will force the user to complete this question before they can complete the whole Task.
- If you wish, you can provide a link to a Campaign that will allow the user to present as they complete this question.
- A button to Deactivate the question is provided.
- For deactivated Questions, an Activate button is provide in place of the Deactivate button
If any edits are made to the Question, an Update button will display.
- Click Update to save the changes
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
Dropdown Selection
The Drop Down Question can be used when you have any number of fixed responses. It provides a drop down list for users to select an option from.
- There is a zone you can enter the Question the user will see as they complete this question
- The Response section allows you to add and modify the responses that will be displayed to the user.
- The Response text can be edited
- A response can be Deleted
- you can add a new response by typing the new text into the field beside the Add button and Clicking the Add button
- The Question may be set to be required, this will force the user to complete this question before they can complete the whole Task.
- If you wish, you can provide a link to a Campaign that will allow the user to present as they complete this question.
- A button to Deactivate the question is provided.
- For deactivated Questions, an Activate button is provide in place of the Deactivate button
If any edits are made to the Question, an Update button will display.
- Click Update to save the changes
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
The Image Question should be used when you wish the user to save an image as the response.
- There is a zone you can enter the Question the user will see as they complete this question
- The Question may be set to be required, this will force the user to complete this question before they can complete the whole Task.
- If you wish, you can provide a link to a Campaign that will allow the user to present as they complete this question.
- A button to Deactivate the question is provided.
- For deactivated Questions, an Activate button is provide in place of the Deactivate button
If any edits are made to the Question, an Update button will display.
- Click Update to save the changes
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
The Promotion Question is a special type of question that is used with Promotion Task Types
It does not request a response from the user, however it registers if the linked campaign did get presented.
- There is a zone you can enter the Question the user will see as they complete this question (this should explain the campaign)
- The Question may be set to be required, this will force the user to complete this question before they can complete the whole Task.
- The link to a Campaign is required to allow the user to present the campaign.
- A button to Deactivate the question is provided.
- For deactivated Questions, an Activate button is provide in place of the Deactivate button
If any edits are made to the Question, an Update button will display.
- Click Update to save the changes
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
Publish Tab
Tasks can be set to automatically be published and unpublished in the system. This has the effect of a Task not showing as available to the users.
It is useful when Surveys or Promotions may be used to coincide with certain events as it allows them to be setup in advance.
To set a Task to Automatically Publish
- Set the Can Auto Publish switch ON
- Add a Start date if you wish the Task to be published in the future
- Leave this field blank if it is already published and you just want the task to unpublish at a later date
- Add and End Date if you wish the Task to unpublish in the future
- Leave this field blank if you wish it to remain active indefinitely
The current published state of a Task can also be set using the Is Published Switch.
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
Filter Tab
Tasks can be set so they will only be available to complete for certain groups of Retailers. This is very useful when you want to target a survey or promotion to a group or certain demographic of cusotmers.
This is achieved using the Filter settings.
To restrict a Task to a certain group of Retailers
- Select the field you wish to create the group using from the Retailer Qualifier
- Click in the Retailer Value field and select the desired values.
- Multiple values can be applied when List type fields are selected as the qualifier
- After making any changes to these controls you will need to Save the Task to complete the operation
Result Summary
This tab provides a quick summary report for the question types that provide defined responses.
- Free text based questions provide a count of responses
- Image questions provide a count of responses
- Statistical information is also included for numeric responses
- Radio Button questions provide a count of each response
- Dropdown Selection questions provide a count of each response