Shop Widget

Shop Widget

Shop Widget

The Shop Widget controls the shop functionality for the “body” section of the Shop page. It allows for 3 of the 4 shop modes to be configured, in addition to advertisement zones on the page.

Grid and List shop modes can be turned on or off as required (on a public or account user basis), in addition to the number of items appearing per page being configurable (an optimal number would be 36 products per page). These modes allow the user a traditional online shop interface, however allow the way products are displayed to change between in a grid with larger images, to products displayed in rows with smaller images.

The Previous Order Shop Mode does not have pagination (all items are displayed in one page) and allows the user (account user only) to see a page that only displays products they have ordered in the past, in addition to showing the last 4 orders in separate columns with item quantities ordered. This mode can be switched to pull sales history from Sales Orders or Associated Orders.

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