The Email Notifications screen allows for configuring the content of automated system messages and the email addresses to which automated emails are sent
Step 1
You will need to be logged into the Inzant Sales Management / Admin Portal.
Open the Configuration screen, from the Main Menu.
Open the Email Notifications screen from under the General heading.
Step 2
Daily Alerts
The automated daily alerts email provides a list of orders that may require manual actions
Sales Order Confirmations
A Sales Order / Quotation confirmation email can be generated by the system and sent to the Retailer, Retailer Contacts, Office, Sales Rep and Reps assigned to the Sales Territory the Retailer belongs to, or a combination of these.
Office Email Address, is used for the Office option for confirmation emails.
- iPad and Office Order Confirmation, is for Sales Orders generated from the iPad and Admin Client.
- Website Order Confirmation, is for Sales Orders generated through the public website.
- Quotation Confirmation, is for quotations generated on the iPad and Management Client.
If you would like to also send a CC email, the email addresses should be separated by a semicolon ";"
If you would like to also send a BCC email, the email addresses should be separated by a pipe symbol "|"