Freight Rule - Item by Product Class

Freight Rule - Item by Product Class

This freight rule is designed to group items that cost the same or similar amounts to ship and apply freight charges to the order based on the quantity in each class.

Each product is attributed with a class value in one of the 10 "Custom Group" fields for Products in Inzant Sales, and then in the freight module in the CMS you can configure the following options for each freight class;

  • 1st Product Freight $ value
    • Applies this $ value for the 1st item in this class added to the order.
  • Subsequent product freight $ value
    • Applies a $ value per item to the order per additional item from 2 onwards.
  • Min freight value
    • Applies a minimum freight charge to the order when any items in this class are added to the order – this value is applied to the order when the total freight cost for this class on an order is less than the min freight value. When the total freight cost for this class (derived from the first item + subsequent item components) exceeds the min freight value then it is not applied.
  • Max freight value
    • A cap for the total freight cost for this class.

 See below four example orders using the following two example rules;



First Item

Subsequent Items

Min Value

Max Value


 $ 5.00

 $ 1.00

$ 0.00

$ 9999



 $ 10.00

 $ 5.00

$ 0.00

$ 9999
















= $5.00
















=$5.00 + $1.00













=$5.00 + $1.00








= $1.00













=$5.00 + $1.00








= $10.00 + $5.00

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