Freight Rule Overview

Freight Rule Overview

The Inzant website platform allows you to configure freight rules that automatically calculate & include freight charges on your website orders. This article covers areas within the site that allow you to configure for certain results – i.e. freight costs be applied to the order, users be prompted to pay for the order online, if product pricing includes tax etc. 

There are a number of different Freight Rule Options to configure on your website. If you sell to both the public and account customers there are some things to consider before implementing any freight rules;
  • Do both types of user incur freight costs?
  • Will the same or different rules apply to the different customer types?
  • Should freight costs be hidden for some user types but not others?

The existing Freight Rule Types available are;
  1. Order Total by Postcode 
  2. Freight Rule Item By Product Class 
  3. Supplier Total by Threshold Amount  
  4. Freight Rule Order Total By Threshold Amount 
  5. Percentage of Order Total 
  6. Australia Post Integration  
Please be aware that multiple different freight rule types configured on the same user type will not "stack", the highest priority freight rule type will apply.
To automatically hide all notion of freight for the website user, use the checkbox settings in “Website Settings” to turn on or off freight for the different user types. If you do elect to use freight, please ensure the setting for public users, account users or both are checked as required.

Note: The website will respect the checkbox settings under “Website settings” regarding displaying freight. If this setting is checked but no freight rule is configured, the checkout process will not work properly. If you have the setting unchecked then regardless of any freight rule being configured it will not be applied to the order.

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