Image Size Requirements

Image Size Requirements

Some of the image zones within the site do require a specific image size otherwise they may distort the image when the page renders. For your easy reference please see below a table detailing the image size requirements throughout the site, with notes on specific widget limitations.


Image Size (Pixels)


Advertisement Bar (Full Width)

1200 w  x  145 h

Width is the only limitation, height of the widget will scale dynamically as per the image.

Advertisement Bar


250 w  x  250 h

Width is the only limitation, height of the widget will scale dynamically as per the image.

Blog Article

880 w  x  720 h

Exact dimensions should be followed – image may distort otherwise.


1200 w  x  525 h

Exact dimensions should be followed – image may distort otherwise.

Content Bar

(2 Column)

600 w  x  300 h

Should be created in consultation with the image or text also in the widget (in the other column).

Image (Full Width)

1920 w x 250 h

The Image will always fill 100% width of screen, make sure the image quality is good. Height is completely optional.

Image Group

140 w  x  60 h

No Limitations – although exact dimensions should be followed for a consistent design.

Key Items

95 w  x  90 h

No Limitations – although exact dimensions should be followed for a consistent design.

Key Stats

155 w  x  90 h

No Limitations – although exact dimensions should be followed for a consistent design.

Team Member

350 w  x  350 h

No Limitations – although exact dimensions should be followed for a consistent design.

Title Bars (Logo)

300 w  x  120 h

No limitations – width size should be respected so logo renders on mobile design properly.

Favourite Shop Mode Images (Selected & Unselected)

Favourite Order Mode Icons

32 w  x  28 h

Exact dimensions should be followed – image & widget may distort otherwise.

Add to Favourites Small Images

32 w  x  32 h

No Limitations – although exact dimensions should be followed for a consistent design.

Add to Favourites Large Images

120 w  x  32 h

No Limitations – although exact dimensions should be followed for a consistent design.

File Sizes 

Where possible avoid uploading any images that are in excess of 1MB as a blanket rule, this will cause performance issues in terms of page load times. A generally acceptable image size is in the order of 100KB, however where the image contains lots of detail it may not reduce down to this level, so a practical maximum size of 300KB might be more sensible.

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