Home Screen and Navigating the System

Home Screen and Navigating the System

The Home Screen

The home screen is the start up screen for the App. It contains links to all the other major screens and provides some KPI information and access to your schedule. In this article we will discuss all the links so you can navigate around the App.

The home icon in the top left hand corner will return you to the home page from other pages in the app.

Inline Help

All major screens include online help that can be accessed using the Question Mark Icon in the top right of the screen. 
Touching the icon will load information that is relevant to the screen you are currently on.

Quick Links as the name suggest take you to a new screen that is touched.

Home Screen Buttons 

The main buttons on the home screen give quick access to a screen below is the list of screens touching on the button will open.
  1. Touch on the New Order button to launch a new order

  1. Use either the search bar (highlighted) or the filters to find the retailer you want to place the order for you.
  2. Touch on Select to start ordering.
More information on Ordering can be found in this Article 
Creating a New Order

  1. Touch on the Retailer button to access the Retailers screen. 

  1. From the retailer screen you can use filters, sort modes and to search for retailers or a group of retailers e.g. Retailers, close to me etc.
More information regarding the Retailer screens can be found using the link below

  1. Touch on the Reports button to open the Reports dashboard.

The link below explains reporting further.

  1. Touch on the Product button to open the Product screen. 

More information on the Product screen can be found on the link below

  1. Touch on the Catalogue button to open the Catalogue dashboard.

  1. To view a catalog touch the View button
  2. To open a folder touch on the folder icon


Utilities includes settings and features you are able to use to manage and personalise Inzant Sales including the below list each of which will be a link to separate guide:-
  1. Sync Now
  2. Connect to a system
  3. Delete a system
  4. Multiple Connections
  5. Settings
  6. Database Tasks
  7. Email Log Files
  8. Share Log Files
  9. Shutdown App
  10. Open Management Portal
  11. Visit Inzant Support


Sales provides quick links to sales reports and a totals for week to date, month to date and year to date sales.


At a glance list of todays orders, draft orders, quotes and pending orders.
Touching on the labels (i.e. Today) will take you to a filtered report of the actual orders


The schedule function uses the calendar on your iPad, it shows what calls are scheduled for today. Calls or appointments can be added to the schedule by pressing the plus icon.
Touching the word Schedule will open the iPad Calendar App to allow a more detailed view of your calendar.

The link below explains operating the call schedule in more detail
Call Schedule / Book an Appointment

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