

The Inzant Sales App allows you to customise the way you would like to use the App. This guide describes the different settings that are available.

  1. To access Settings navigate to the 'Utilities' icon in the top right of the Home Screen. 

  1. You will now view the Utilities drop down bar touch the Settings tab.  

You will now view the Settings drop down list as explained below.
Please follow the link to see more detail regarding all of the settings.
  1. Call Mode
  2. Add Customer to New Calls
  3. Notification Alerts
  4. Barcode Mappings
  5. Sync on Startup
  6. Logging
  7. Order Starting View
  8. Stock Count History
  9. Order Review Sort Mode
  10. Show Bulk Discounts
  11. Fixed Products per Row
  12. KPI Data Source
  13. Fiscal Year Start Month
  14. Fiscal Year Start Day

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